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Starting a Transaction

Since Beehive supports transactional computation, programmers have the option to begin their application specific computation in a transaction. Each application specific worker, e.g. GCWorker, will inherit a method called beginTransaction() that will begin the computation that follows as a transaction. Below is an example of how the GCWorker begins a transaction:

public void doTask(Task tsk) {
    while ( not committed ) {
        // Begin transaction
        TransactionInfo txnInfo = beginTransaction();

        // Application specific computation logic
        // Validate transaction

Note that if a transaction is desired, then the while-loop and the validation step is necessary. During the validation step, if the transaction could not be committed due to read-write or write-write conflicts, then the transaction must be retried unless the programmer decides to abort the transaction.

More about TransactionInfo can be found in the javadocs. It is imporant to note that not all of the following computation logic has to be within a single transaction. In fact, programmers can break up their computation logic into smaller transactions.

Inline Transactions

Although application developers are encouraged to used task-centric transactions, Beehive workers can start "inline transactions". That is, transactions that are independent of the task model. Starting an inline transaction is identical to that one that is started using a Task. The difference is how the transaction is committed. With a task-centric transaction, commitTask is invoked where the task is given as an argument. Conversely, an inline transaction is committed with commitTransaction where the transaction info, obtained from calling beginTransaction, is given as an argument.


Run Logic

Each Beehive worker implements Java's Runnable class and thus overrides the run method. At the bare minimum, the worker's run method should query the workpool for a task for the doTask method. Otherwise, other worker related logic may be defined in the run method. For example, should a worker find no task in the workpool, it can start gathering statistics related to the application or sleep for some period of time before querying the workpool again. Below is a simplified version of Beehive's GCWorker's run method:

public void run() {
    while (true) {
        try {
            WorkStatus ws = workpool.getTask();
            if (ws.status == StatusType.VALID_TASK) {
                Task tsk = ws.task;

                if (tsk == null) {
                    // Valid but null task, grab another task
                if (tsk.phase.equals("GENERIC")) {
                } else if (tsk.phase.equals("TERMINATION")) {
            } else if (ws.status == StatusType.NO_READY_TASK) {
            } else if (ws.status == StatusType.WORK_TERMINATED) {
                if (master && !terminate) {
                    // If I am master and have not broadcasted a termination
                    Task termTsk = new Task();
                    termTsk.nodeId = "TERMINATE_TASK";
                    termTsk.phase = "TERMINATION";
                    terminate = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {

Task Logic

The computation phase is where the application specific logic is placed. Programmers have the option of placing all of their logic in the doTask method or defining auxillary methods which can be called from doTask. The following is an example of the computation phase of the GCWorker:

public void doTask(Task tsk) {
    while ( not committed ) {
        // Begin transaction
        TransactionInfo txnInfo = beginTransaction();

        // Compute
        GCNode node = (GCNode) datastorage.getNode(tsk.getNodeId());
        Vector neighbors = getNeighbors(node);
        compute(tsk, node, neighbors);

        // Validation

public void compute(Task tsk, GCNode node, Vector neighbors) {
    try {
        GCNode clone = new GCNode(node); // LINE 1
        if (clone.marked) {
        Set neighborColors = new HashSet<>();
        for (Node neighbor : neighbors) {
            GCNode gcNeighbor = (GCNode) neighbor;
            if (gcNeighbor.marked) {
            rwsetinfo.readSet.add(gcNeighbor.nodeId); // LINE 2

        Vector uniqueColors = new Vector<>(neighborColors);
        int targetColor = 1;

        for (Integer color : uniqueColors) {
            if (color > targetColor) {
            } else if (color == targetColor) {

        clone.marked = true;
        clone.color = targetColor;
        updatedNodes.put(clone.nodeId, clone); // LINE 3
        rwsetinfo.writeSet.add(clone.nodeId);  // LINE 4
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Excluded for the sake of the example

The example above shows the application logic being defined in an auxillary method called compute() which is called from doTask(). We will not go over the specifics of the logic as this is just an example of how to override the doTask() method of the Worker class. However, note the lines in the compute() method which have comments, these will important for the discussion that follows.


If a computation is to be completed within a transaction, then the transaction itself must be validated in order to avoid read-write and write-write conflicts with the nodes used in the computation. Beehive achieves this by providing each Worker class with a rwsetinfo abstraction; more details can be found in the java documentation. From a high level, the id's of each node whose properties were read are added to the read set. Likewise, the id's of each node whose properties were updated are added to the write set and updatedNodes set. This can be seen in lines 2, 3, and 4 in the example given in Task Logic

Also note in line 1 from Task Logic, a deep copy of the node is created. This is because if the node happens to be local to the Worker's StorageSystem, we do not want to modify its attributes unless the transaction is valid. Below is an example of how to validate a given transaction:

public void doTask(Task tsk) {

    boolean commit = false;
    while (!commit) {
        // Begin transaction
        TransactionInfo txnInfo = beginTransaction();

        // Compute
        GCNode node = (GCNode) datastorage.getNode(tsk.getNodeId());
        Vector neighbors = getNeighbors(node);
        compute(tsk, node, neighbors);

        // Validation
        commit = validateTask(tsk);