1  Installation

    1.1 Introducing Ajanta
    1.2 System Requirements
    1.3 Download Ajanta
    1.4 Setup Ajanta Programming Environment
    1.4.1  Policy File Setup for Java 1.4 release version of Ajanta
    1.5 Description of the configuration files
    1.6 Name-Registry Administration
    1.7 Change configuration information
    1.8 Running the Demos
    1.9 Trouble-shooting

Welcome to Ajanta. Ajanta is a Java based framework for programming mobile agent based applications on the Internet. You can use the Ajanta programming environment to develop agent-based applications. This section provides a brief overview of Ajanta's main components and walks you through the download and installation procedures. For a detailed discussion on Ajanta's programming environment please read the publications on Ajanta's web-site.

This chapter will walk you through the basic installation procedure and a demo program "HelloWorld".
The steps are numbered Step1, Step2 etc. in the following sub-sections. When going through the steps if you get into trouble read the trouble-shooting section at the bottom of the page.

1.1 Introducing Ajanta

Main Components
The main components of Ajanta are the agent, the agent-server and the name-registry. A mobile agent is a program, which represents a user in a network and is capable of migrating autonomously from node to node, performing computations on behalf of that user.  A host in the Internet can provide services to mobile agents by running an agent-server.

The name-registry provides the name service and can store any characteristics of an entity. Ajanta name-registry works as a repository of public-keys of all the entities. Any entity with a name, i.e. a URN, in Ajanta needs to register itself with a name-registry. For initial registration of an agent server, the location of the name-registry is provided to the server by the user. This bootstrap name-registry is called the local name registry.  Before a user is able to run an agent-server, the local name-registry must be installed and running by an administrator.

Core Classes
Link to Core Classes.

Sample Demos and Applications

This release provides the following demo and applications and their source codes to enable users efficiently implement applications and experiment with Ajanta framework.

    1.  HelloWorld:  Agents migrates to given destination servers and prints "Hello" on the console.
    2.  HelloJoin: Same as HelloWorld, except the agent uses split-join as migration pattern.
    3.  RMIHello: Shows how to access resources through proxy.
    4.  RecallDemo: Shows how to use agent primitive recall/retract/terminate.

    1.  A Calendar Application

    2.  A File Sharing Middleware

1.2 System requirements

This version of Ajanta is tested only on UNIX platforms. As Ajanta is written in Java, it is platform independent. But we have not tested it on other platforms supported by Java, like Windows NT.

To run Ajanta, following software components are required.
    1. JDK 1.1.X
    2.  Perl

1.3 Download Ajanta

Before you download

When going through the steps if you get into trouble read the trouble-shooting section at the bottom of the page.

Step 1: Download

Link to download page.

Step 2:  Store Ajanta classes

Untar the ajanta_beta.tar.z file under the user specific path, say in a directory whose path is some_path. Define the environment variable AJANTA_HOME in your .cshrc or .profile as shown below.

For example, it can be done on the command line as:

% setenv   AJANTA_HOME     /some_path/ajanta_beta/ After untar, the following directory structure will be created under AJANTA_HOME, which is   /some_path/ajanta_beta/


NOTE: Please set the permissions for the ajanta classes as "755".

% chmod -R 755  $AJANTA_HOME/ajanta Step 3: Update CLASSPATH

Add the path "{$AJANTA_HOME}" to the CLASSPATH. It can be done using the following command.


1.4 Setup Ajanta Programming Environment

Before you setup

Your environment variable should contain the CLASSPATH and AJANTA_HOME. If not, please refer to the previous section.

For installing Ajanta, in Step 4 below, you can choose either to install the package as an administrator or install it as  a typical user.

The administrative installation includes all  the  modules including  setting up the name-registry configuration. It will allow the administrator to run a name-registry and register other users in the name-registry.

The option "user installation" will skip the setup process of name-registry. Typically there is a single name-registry in a domain. A user is responsible to know its location (DNS host name) and ask the name-registry administrator to register himself/herself.

Step 4: Run installation script "userSetup"

Please run the perl script "userSetup" to install Ajanta in your user environment.

      % perl   $AJANTA_HOME/setup/userSetup

This script will ask you to choose between two installation options: (1) Administrator and (2) User.  If another user is serving as an administrator, you may choose the option (2) User.  In that case you have to ask the name-registry administrator to register yourself  in  the local name-registry.

This script will create a directory ".ajanta" in your home directory. This directory keeps all the configuration information needed by different entities like user, name-registry, agent-servers in Ajanta

1.4.1 Policy File Setup for Ajanta 2.0 with Java2 Security Framework

Ajanta 2.0 release is based on Java2 security framework.  In Ajanta 2.0, access policy for file and network resources is expressed using  a java policy file.  If you are using older version of Ajanta, version 1.0 or 1.1, please refer to Chapter 3.

There are three distinct entities for which policies are set. These are (1) agent-servers or applications  extending agent servers (2)  agents, and (3) name-registry.   There are two types of subject for policy specification in Java 2: codebase and principal.

** IMPORTANT: In Ajanta 2.0, only agent permissions should be specified based on principal. Permissions provided to agent-server and name-registry should be based on codebase.

** IMPORTANT: Please make sure the "startup_path" in serverConfig file is correct. For example:


In the above line,  AJANTA_HOME is /dev/janta2.


/* all privileges to any code running from AJANTA core classes */
grant codeBase "file:AJANTA_HOME" {
  permission java.security.AllPermission;
/* permissions given to remote agent based on agent's owner
grant principal com.sun.security.auth.UnixPrincipal "AGENT_OWNER_URN" {
        /* add the privileges here */
/* permissions given to local application specific server */
grant codeBase "file:CODE_BASE" {
        /* add the privileges here */
/* all privileges to any code running from ajanta demo */
grant codeBase "file:DEMO_HOME" {
  permission java.security.AllPermission;

Each entry within the policy file associates privileges with a codebase and/or ajanta principal. A sample policy file is provided with the ajanta release. Please follow the guidelines given below for setting up this policy file:

Sample Policy File: A sample policy file for an agent with owner "URN:ans:newton.cs.umn.edu/user1" is shown below. In this example an agent is sent to a generic AgentServer to read the "/testFiles/file". The codebase for the AgentServer  is provided with all permissions; however, only  agents owned by the specified principal "user1"  has read permission on the file "/testFiles/file"

          grant codeBase "file:/dev/ajanta2/-" {
                  permission java.security.AllPermission;
            grant      principal com.sun.security.auth.UnixPrincipal "URN:ans:newton.cs.umn.edu/user1" {
                  permission java.io.FilePermission "/testFiles/file", "read";

1.5 Description of the configuration files

The installation script will create the following directory structure under the user's HOME directory

                                keys                                 /* Only Administrative installation */
                                pubkeys                             /* Only Administrative installation */

The "user" directory contains the URN of the user. An example of this URN is


In Ajanta all the entities need Private/Public Key Pairs for authentication and encryption. Here we need pairs of keys for the name-registry, the user and the agent-servers.

The ".ajanta/servers/serverConfig" file contains the URL of the name-registry, startup-path which is the location of the class StartUP and URLs for the rmi port used by servers. These URLs are the user specific host name and port number where a user is running a rmi registry.

Each of the directories under "server", which represent various demos and applications systems such as helloserver1, afsServer, afsClient etc, contains a config file which stores  all the configuration information needed by the demo programs or the applications.

The "scripts"  directory contains different scripts needed by agent-servers. The scripts currently in this directory are used by the afsServer.

The "tmp" directory  is used by afsServer for temporary storage of query results.

1.6 Name-Registry Administration

If you have done a user installation please ask your local name-registry administrator to register you and skip the following step. In case you are the administrator you will be automatically registered in the name-registry.

NOTE: you need to run the name-registry on the machine you mentioned during the installation. If you decided to run the name-registry on a different machine, please see the following section on how to change the name-registry location.

Step 5: Running Name-Registry

Login to the machine where you want to run your name-registry. Then type the following to start the name registry:

    % cd $HOME/.ajanta/nr
    % perl {$AJANTA_HOME}/setup/startNameRegistry

Currently the name-registry serializes its database to a file with extension ".rdmp" in the directory where it is executed. In the above command line, we have moved to the "nr" directory so that the dump file will be created there.

How to add a User in the name-registry

The administrator can run the "AddUser" utility to register a user to the name-registry. A user needs to be registered in a name-registry before he/she is able to run any agent-server. To register a user, the administrator will need two things (1) User's login name and (2) Users public keys. It is the responsibility of the user and the name-registry administrator to find a feasible and secure way to transfer the user's public keys (located at "$HOME/.ajanta/user/pubkeys") to the administrator.

A simple workable solution could be, the user copies his/her public key in a /tmp directory and gives the administrator the read permission.

The name-registry administrator runs the following utility to add a user.

    % java ajanta.naming.AddUser  "DNS host name of the name-registry"

The program will prompt for user-name as shown below. Please provide the user's login name (e.g tahmed).

     Signature Verified
     Enter the Username to be added

Then it will ask for the location of the public keys of the user. If you have  a copy of the pubkeys  in /tmp directory and you have read permission for the keys, you can provide the full path of the pubkeys.

Enter the full path for the user's DSA/ElGamal pubkeys file:

How to clean start a Name-Registry

The name-registry serializes its database to a file named "DNSHostName.rdmp" (e.g. ajata.cs.umn.edu.rdmp). The first part of the file name represents the DNS hostname of the machine it is running on. This naming convention will allow a user to run multiple name-registries in different hosts. This serialized file is created in the directory where the name-registry is running.
Name-registry updates this file every time a modification is made to the name-registry's entries.

If a clean start is needed, the name-registry administrator can delete this file and restart the name-registry by running the script "startNameRegistry". In this case, the administrator has to register the users again by running "ajanta.naming.AddUser."

NOTE:   Your environment variables CLASSPATH and AJANTA_HOME should be properly set as described above.

1.7 Change configuration information

How to change Name-Registry location Or Changes that need to be done when you choose a different Name-Registry

1. If you change your name-registry where you are registered as a user, your URN needs to be changed. This needs to be done manually in file "$HOME/.ajanta/user/urn" as the current release supports only single name-registry.

2. Also you need to modify the file "$HOME/.ajanta/servers/serverConfig" to reflect the change of the name-registry.

Changes need to be done when you update  AJANTA_HOME

If you have moved your Ajanta classes to a different location, it needs to be reflected on all the server config files. The script "userSetup" and "serverSetup" uses the environment variable "AJANTA_HOME" to setup different configuration values. These values are "startup_path" in file "~/.ajanta/servers" and "cs_filepath" in each server's config file.

1.8 Running  Demos and Applications

In this section we will walk you through the running of the demo programs.  There are README files provided in all application and demo directories. Please refer to them when needed.

The helloworld demo consists of two generic agent-servers called helloserver1, helloserver2 and starts a client "helloworld", which sends an agent to these two agent-servers. Please follow the following steps to run this demo. It is assumed that you have run "userSetup" script to setup the configuration files needed by this demo. If you have not, please run the "userSetup" script.

Note:        The code for all the demos listed here is located in the following directory:

Step 6: Start Rmi Registry

To start agent-servers, the user needs to run a RMI Registry in a user-defined port. We provided the script "startRmi" for this.

On each machine where a user wants to run agent servers, the user should run one RMI registry process.

For example if you decided to run agent-servers on machine "Machine1", "Machine2" and "Machine3", you need to run the script "startRmi" on each of  these machines, as  shown below:

    Machine1 % perl   {$AJANTA_HOME}/setup/startRmi
    Machine2 % perl   {$AJANTA_HOME}/setup/startRmi
    Machine3 % perl   {$AJANTA_HOME}/setup/startRmi

The script will start an RMI Registry on the machine  where it is executed.  It will also keep the port information in the configuration file "$HOME/.ajanta/servers/serverConfig". Any consequent run of this script will kill the previous RMI Registry process and run a new one.

Demo HelloWorld

Step 7:1:a: Run helloserver1, helloserver2

Login to two different windows (these windows could be on the same or different machines) and run agent-servers.
For example,

    Machine1 % java   ajanta.server.AgentServer    helloserver1
    Machine2 % java   ajanta.server.AgentServer    helloserver2

This agent-servers will print their URNs on the screen. The URN will look like


We will need these URNs to send an agent to them.

Step 7:1:b: Run helloworld

First, the file "$HOME/.ajanta/servers/helloworld/itinerary" needs to be created which contains the URNs of the agent-servers to which agents will be sent. Please create this file and write the URNs of the agent-servers -- helloserver1 and helloserver2.

For example after creation the file  will look as below:


Then run the helloworld. It will send an agent to the agent-servers in the itinerary.

Machine3 %   cd     $HOME/.ajanta/servers/helloworld/
Machine3 %  java  ajanta.demo.helloworld.HelloWorld   helloworld

The agent will move to the agent-servers mentioned in itinerary, and print a message on each of the agent server's window.
We have provided the contents of three different windows below.  The important messages are highlighted.

Window 1: Helloserver1
(~) % java ajanta.server.AgentServer helloserver1
My URN = URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver1
FileAcl: WARNING /home/grad03/tahmed/.ajanta/servers/helloserver1/.acl not found
Agent server ready
ATPListener: create ATPHandler

Agent URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloworld/helloagent says Hello to URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver1
AgentEnv: launch: destURN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver2
AgentEnv: Creating ATP request
AgentThread: java.lang.ThreadDeath
        at ajanta.server.AgentThread.run(AgentThread.java:83)

Window 2: Helloserver2
% java ajanta.server.AgentServer helloserver2
My URN = URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver2
FileAcl: WARNING /home/grad03/tahmed/.ajanta/servers/helloserver2/.acl not found
Agent server ready
ATPListener: create ATPHandler

Agent URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloworld/helloagent says Hello to URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver2

Window 3: HellWorld
(~/.ajanta/servers/helloworld) % java  ajanta.demo.helloworld.HelloWorld     helloworld
My URN = URN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloworld
FileAcl: WARNING /home/grad03/tahmed/.ajanta/servers/helloworld/.acl not found
Agent server ready
hop class name ajanta.pattern.Sequence
hop class name ajanta.pattern.ItinEntry
AgentEnv: launch: destURN:ans:fourier.cs.umn.edu/tahmed/helloserver1
AgentEnv: Creating ATP request

Demo helloJoin

This demo starts two generic agent-servers called helloserver1, helloserver2 and starts a client helloworld, which sends an agent to the agent-servers. The difference between this and the previous demo HelloWorld  is that the agent for this demo uses the splitJoin pattern for migration and sends individual child agents to each of the servers, instead of a single agent visiting all of the servers.

Please follow the following steps to run this demo. It is assumed that you have run "userSetup"  and "startRmi" scripts to setup the configuration files needed by this demo. If you have not, please run "userSetup" and  "startRmi"

Step 7:2:a: Run helloserver1, helloserver2:

Login to two different windows (these windows could be on the same or different machines) and run agent-servers.
For example,

    Machine1 %  java    ajanta.server.AgentServer    helloserver1
    Machine2 % java    ajanta.server.AgentServer    helloserver2

These agent-servers will print their URNs on the screen. The URN's will look like

"urn:ans:"NameRegistry's_DNS_Name"/"UserID"/helloserver1" and "urn:ans:"NameRegistry's_DNS_Name"/"UserID"/helloserver2". We will need these urn's to send an agent to them.

Step 7:2:b: Run helloworld:

The file "$HOME/.ajanta/servers/helloworld/itinerary" needs to be created which will contain the URNs of the agent-servers to which agents will be sent. Please create this file and write the URNs of the agent-servers -- helloserver1 and helloserver2.
For example, after creation the file  will look as below:


Then run helloworld as shown below. It will send agents to the agent-servers in  the itinerary.

Machine3 %   cd    $HOME/.ajanta/servers/helloJoin/
Machine3 %   java  ajanta.demo.helloJoin.HelloWorld helloJoin

NOTE: Please make sure that you have created the file "itinerary" in the directory helloJoin.

Demo RMIHello

This demo starts a generic agent-server called helloserver1 and starts a client RMIHello, which sends an agent to the agent-server. After successful migration of the agent to the destination server, the agent will create a Proxy. The client waits for a while and then requests a service from that Proxy.

Please follow the following steps to run this demo. It is assumed that you have run "userSetup" and "startRmi" scripts to setup the configuration files needed by this demo. If you have not already done so, please run the scripts "userSetup" and "startRmi".

Step 7:3:a: Run helloserver1:

Login to a window  and run the agent-server. For example,

Machine1 %  java    ajanta.server.AgentServer helloserver1

This agent-server will print its URNs on the screen. The URN will look like:

Step 7:3:b: Run RMIHello

The HelloClient program is executed to launch an agent. The first argument, RMIHello, is the name of the client agent-server that launches an agent. The second argument for the HelloClient  program is the URN of the destination server, as shown below:

Machine3 %  java  ajanta.demo.RMIHello.HelloClient   RMIHello  urn:ans:"NameRegistry's_DNS_Name"/"UserID"/helloserver1

The HelloClient will send an agent to the destination agent-server helloserver1.  Upon arriving, the agent will create a Proxy for the class "ajanta.demo.RMIHello.Hello" and register itself  with agent-server's RMI registry. Then the agent will wait in a loop printing "HelloAgent in loop". On client side, the client agent-server will wait for a while for the completion of agent migration.
Then it will obtain a reference to the proxy , created by the agent, from the destination agent server and request the service "sayHello".

Demo RecallDemo

This demo starts a generic agent-server called helloserver1 and starts a client RecallDemo which sends an agent to the agent-server helloserver1. After successful migration to the destination server, the agent will create a Proxy. The client will wait for a while and then recall/retract/terminate the agent. Any agent-server other than the client RecallDemo ( who is not an owner or guardian of the agent sent by RecallDemo) is not permitted to recall/retract/terminate the agent.

Please follow the following steps to run this demo. It is assumed that you have run "userSetup" and "startRmi" scripts to setup the configuration files needed by this demo. If you have not already done so, please run the scripts "userSetup" and "startRmi".

Step 7:4:a: Run helloserver1:

Login to a window and run the agent-server. For example,

    Machine1 %  java     ajanta.server.AgentServer     helloserver1

This agent-server will print their URNs on the screen. The URN will look like


Step 2b: Run RecallDemo

RecallDemo is the name of the client agent-server and is the first argument for HelloClient. We need to provide the destination agent-server as second argument.

    Machine3 % java   ajanta.demo.RecallDemo.HelloClient RecallDemo    urn:ans:"NameRegistry's_DNS_Name"/"UserID"/helloserver1

The HelloClient will send an agent to the destination agent-server helloworld. Upon arriving, the agent will create a Proxy for the class "ajanta.demo.RMIHello.Hello" and register itself with agent-server's RMI registry. Then the agent will wait in a loop printing "HelloAgent in loop". On client side, the client agent-server will wait for a while for the completion of agent migration. Then it will obtain the proxy created by the agent from the destination agent server and request the service "sayHello".

After that the client will execute recall/retract/terminate. In the demo code the "recall" is executed. The "retract" and "terminate" is commented out. You can un-comment one of them to test the functionality.

1.9 Trouble-shooting

This section is updated whenever we encounter a bug. Please check this section whenever you encounter a problem.

Configuration Problems:
1. The config file may not substitute the environment variables $AJANTA_HOME and $HOME.
Solution: Substitute the environment variables with appropriate value.

2. Currently the key-files location is in each server 's config file.
Solution: If you get an error message saying key not found, please modify the value for "key-file"  in the config file of the appropriate server. (???)

3. You may get a message class not found if Ajanta class permissions are not properly set.
Solution: Please set the permissions for the ajanta classes as "755" as follows: % chmod -R 755  $AJANTA_HOME/ajanta

4. Script "startNameRegistry": this script kills the rmi registry running on port 1099 and starts a new RMI registry on port 1099. If another user is running a RMI registry on port 1099, the script "startNameRegistry" will fail to kill the process.
Solution: In this case, either you have to move to a different machine or ask that user to kill his/her RMI registry on port 1099.
      If you get a message saying something like "port busy", you can take care of that as follows:

    % ps -ef | grep rmi
    Please kill any process running on port 1099.
5. Scripts startRmi, startNameRegistry, serverSetup, userSetup use the system command "ps". Linux does not expect the "-" before the arguments. Thus, our scripts will print a warning message on Linux boxes.
Solution: You can ignore the warning and move to the next step. If the next step fails, please read tip #6 above.

6. Any problems related to the name registry (eg: user is not registered with the name registry, user changed his/her public keys etc.) will cause a NullPointerException.
Solution: Ask your Ajanta Administrator to register you (your URN and public keys) at the name registry using the "AddUser" script.

7. Script "startRmi" may cause a problem, such as in the Ajanta File Server session shown below. The script uses the system command "uname -n" to get the complete DNS name of the machine on which it is starting the RMI registry. In some cases, however, the command returns an incomplete name, as shown below in red.
Solution:To correct this, modify the file .ajanta/servers/serverConfig by completing the host name as plato.cs.umn.edu

   pathak@plato (~) % perl {$AJANTA_HOME}/setup/startRmi
       previous port : 22600
      12999     1 /bin/sh /soft/java/JDK-1.1.6/bin/../bin/sparc/green_threads/rmiregistry 22600
      13019 13018 grep 22600
       Killing rmiregistry running on port 22600

    Picking a port number
    Port number selected is 22700
    serverConfig file updated

    pathak@plato (~) % more .ajanta/servers/serverConfig
    #Please provide your local name registry DNS host name in place of
    This line should read: serverURL=//plato.cs.umn.edu:22700

    pathak@plato (~) % java ajanta.apps.afs.FileServer $HOME/root
    My URN = URN:ans:plato.cs.umn.edu/pathak/afsServer
    FileAcl: WARNING /home/ugrad00/pathak/.ajanta/servers/afsServer/.acl not found
    Error no rmi port found for hostplato.cs.umn.edu in file .ajanta/servers/serverConfig
    Execute startRMI to run rmiregistry and register the port in config file

Problems with the Demos:
1. Demo helloworld: In the initial distribution, the demo helloworld was not properly compiled.
Solution: Please recompile the classes in demo directory "$AJANTA_HOME/ajanta/demo/helloworld." :
                            % javac $AJANTA_HOME/ajanta/demo/helloworld/*.java

2. Demo helloworld, hellojoin: Please make sure that you have created the "itinerary" file as shown in the instructions above. Also, blank lines in the itinerary will cause an exception. Please remove any blank lines from the itinerary.

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