The agent server has an agent environment
( AgentEnv) component
-- an
object which acts as the interface, or
binding, between visiting agents and the
server. Incoming agents are given
a reference to this object upon arrival.
They can then communicate with the server
via the agent environment's interface.
This interface allows agents to request
services such as access to resources,
migration to other servers, etc.
A Resource
is an object that acts as an interface to some service or information
available at the host. For example,
a calendar resource (CalendarDB)
controlled access to the server owner's
appointment calendar. The server maintains
a resource registry, which is used in
setting up safe bindings between resources
and agents. For each registered
resource there exists a RREntry.
It provides a remotely invocable interface
(a Java RMI server) . It supports
status queries about the agents
resident on it, as well as primitives for such
tasks as terminating agents, recalling
them back to their home sites, etc.
Security-sensitive primitives make use
of an authentication protocol to ensure
that the caller is authorized to execute
4.1 Extending a Generic AgentServer
Programmers can extend AgentServer class
in order to add application-specific
functionality, by writing a subclass of
AgentServer. For example, the subclass
could insert application-defined resources
into the resource registry. This is
explained below by means of a CalendarServer
CalendarServer extends
generic AgentServer class.
public class CalendarServer extends AgentServer
It provides access to calendar database
by means of a resource. The name of the
resource is formed as : urn of the server
+ "/CalDB". Visiting agents can access this
using getResource method of AgentEnv.
CalendarServer creates an instance of
CalendarDB class and register it as resource.
Creation and registration is shown
below as part of constructor. Constructor
first calls it super passing name of the
server as URN.
public CalendarServer
(String serverURN)
super(serverURN); // serverURN is the URN assigned to the server
CalendarDB cal = new CalendarDB (); // create an instance of CalendarDB
URN calname = new URN ( myURN + "/CalDB"); // calname is the URN of the
RREntry rre = new RREntry (calname, null, cal); // creates a resource registry
rr.put (calname, rre); // put it into the resource registry hashtable.
// rr is hastable where all the resource are registered as name and RREntry
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