Table of Contents
1.1 Introducing Ajanta2. Basic Elements of the Ajanta System
1.2 System Requirements
1.3 Download Ajanta
1.4 Setup Ajanta Programming Environment
1.4.1 Policy File Setup for Java 1.4 release version of Ajanta
1.5 Description of the configuration files
1.6 Name-Registry Administration
1.7 Change configuration information
1.8 Running the Demos
1.9 Trouble-shooting
3. Running a Generic Agent Server
3.1 Server Runtime Environment Setup4. The Generic and Derived AgentServer
3.2 Server URN and Running the Server
3.3 File Access Control List
3.4 Network Access Control List
4.1 Extending a Generic AgentServer5. Agent Execution Model
5.1 Agent's Host Environment6. Creating and launching a Generic Agent
5.2 Resource Access Protocol
5.3 Agent Migration
5.4 Agent monitoring and Control
5.5 Exception Handling
6.1 Agent Credentials7. Creating and launching an Agent with Itinerary
7.1 Programming with Migration Patterns8. Instructions for Running Calendar and File Access Applications
7.2 Itinerary
7.3 An Example of ItinAgent
8.1 File Access Application9. How to use the Ajanta Debugger8.1.1 FAQ and Trouble Shooting for the File Access Application8.2 Calendar Application
8.1.2 Help on the File Access Application's GUI