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Beehive Framework for Transactional Parallel Programming on Cluster Computers

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The software is copyright of the Regents of the University of Minnesota.


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Konark Network Monitoring System Documentation

Secure Context-Aware Distributed System Collaboration Systems

[All BibTex entries]
  • Incremental Parallel Computing for Continuous Queries in Dynamic Graphs using a Transactional Model, Anand Tripathi, Rahul R. Sharma, Manu Khandelwal, Tanmay Mehta,  in Wiley Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (june 2018) [Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - 10.1002/cpe.4500 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4500.] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Design of a Location-based Publish/Subscribe Service using a Graph-based Computing Model, Anand Tripathi and Henry Hoang, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing 2017. [PDF] [Bibtex Entry] [Open Access at University of Minnesota Digital Conservacy]

  • A Transactional Model for Parallel Programming of Graph Applications on Computing Clusters, Anand Tripathi, Vinit Padhye, Tara Sasank Sunkara, Jeremy Tucker, BhagavathiDhass Thirunavukarasu, Varun Pandey, Rahul R. Sharma, IEEE CLOUD 2017. [PDF] [Bibtex Entry] [Avialble at University of Minnesota Digital Conservacy]

  • A Transaction Model with Multilevel Consistency for Shared Data in Distributed Groupware Systems, Anand Tripathi, in Proceedings of IEEE 2nd  International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, 2016. [PDF] [Bibtex Entry] [Open Access at University of Minnesota Digital Conservacy]

  • Scalable Transaction Management for Partially Replicated Data in Cloud Computing Environments, Anand Tripathi and Gowtham Rajappan, in Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2016. (Best Paper Award) [PDF] [Bibtex Entry] [Open Access at University of Minnesota Digital Conservacy]

  • A Transaction Model for Management of Replicated Data with Multiple Consistency Levels, Anand Tripathi and BhagavathiDhass Thirunavukarasu, in Proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Conference on Big Data, 2015. [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]  [Open Access at University of Minnesota Digital Conservacy]

  • Scalable Transaction Management with Snapshot Isolation for NoSQL Data Storage Systems, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi,  IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. (Jan-Feb 2015)(prepublication version [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Transaction Management with Causal Snapshot Isolation in Partially Replicated Databases, Vinit Padhye, Gowtham Rajappan and Anand Tripathi, in IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'2014). [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Beehive: A Framework for Graph Data Analytics on Cloud Computing Platoforms, Anand Tripathi, Vinit Padhye, Tara Sasank Sunkara, in Seventh International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing, held in conjuncton with 2014 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'2014). [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Causally Coordinated Snapshot Isolation for Geographically Replicated Data, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, in IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'2012). [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Scalable Transaction Management with Snapshot Isolation on Cloud Data Management Systems, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2012 [Pre-publication version PDF] [Bibtex Entry]

  • Building Autonomically Scalable Services on Wide-Area Shared Computing Platforms, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, August 2011 [BibTex Entry]
  • A Generative Programming Framework for Context-Aware CSCW Applications, Devdatta Kulkarni, Tanvir Ahmed, Anand Tripathi, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM), March 2012. [BibTex Entry]
  • Semantics Based Object Caching in Distributed Systems, John Eberhard and Anand Tripathi, In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 21, Number 12, pages 1750-1764, December, 2010. [BibTex Entry]
  • Security Policies in Distributed CSCW and Workflow Systems, Tanvir Ahmed and Anand Tripathi.
    In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics -- Part A: Systems and Humans, Volume 40, Number 6, November 2010. [BibTex Entry]
  • "A Framework for Programming Robust Context-Aware Application," Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, March 2010. [BibTex Entry]
  • "Resource-Aware Migratory Services in Wide-Area Shared Computing Environments" Anand Tripathi, Vinit Padhye, and Devdatta Kulkarni, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'2009). [10 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Application-level Recovery Mechanisms for Context-Aware Pervasive Computing," Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'2008). [PDF] [10 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Context-Aware Role-based Access Control in Pervasive Computing Systems," Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi,  in Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on Access control Models and Technologies (SACMAT'2008), pages 113-122, June 2008. [PDF] [10 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Building Context-Aware Healthcare Applications using a Generative Programming Framework ," Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi. Workshop on Software and Systems for Medical Devices and Services. In conjunction with IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) 2007. [PDF] [4 pages] 
  • Specification and Verification of Security Requirements in a Programming Model for Decentralized CSCW Systems ," Tanvir Ahmed, Anand R. Tripathi, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), May 2007.[[PDF] [34 pages]    [BibTex Entry]
  • "Mechanisms for object caching in distributed applications using Java RMI,"  John Eberhard , Anand Tripathi, Software Practice and Experience,  Volume 37 No. 9, pp. 799-831, November 2006. [PDF] [32 pages]    [BibTex Entry]
  • "Generative Programming Approach for Building Pervasive Computing Applications", Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi.   First Workshop of Software Engineering of Pervasive Computing Applications, Systems, and Environments (SEPCASE'07), ICSE 2007, Minneapolis [PDF] [4 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Autonomic Configuration and Recovery in a Mobile Agent Based Distributed Event Monitoring System", Anand Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni, Harsha Talkad, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Tanvir Ahmed, and Ivan Osipkov.   Software - Practice Experience. 37(5) (2007) 493-522.
    [PDF] [30 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Exception Handling in CSCW Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments", Anand Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni and Tanvir Ahmed.   Advanced Topics in Exception Handling Techniques. Volume 4119., Springer LNCS (2006) 161-180 [PDF] [20 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Object-Based Commutativity Analysis for Real-Time Applications," John Eberhard and Anand Tripathi, Tenth IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2005), 2005, Sedona Arizona. [BibTex Entry]
  • "Policy-Driven Configuration and Management of Agent Based Distributed Systems", Anand Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni and Tanvir Ahmed.   In SELMAS'05 at ICSE'05 [PDF] [7 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "A Specification Model for Context-based Collaborative Applications", Anand Tripathi, Devdatta Kulkarni and Tanvir Ahmed.   In Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Pg: 21-42 [ PDF ] [22 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "The Guardian Model and Primitives for Exception Handling in Distributed Systems," Robert Miller and Anand Tripathi, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 30 ,  Issue 12, Pages: 1008 - 1022    (December 2004). [BibTex Entry]
  • "Robustness and Security in a Mobile-Agent based Network Monitoring System," Anand Tripathi, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Ivan Osipkov, Harsha Talkad, Tanvir Ahmed, David Johnson and Scott Dier, Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC-04) },  pages 320-321, May 2004.   [PDF] [8 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Context-Based Secure Resource Access in Pervasive Computing Environments", by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Devdatta Kulkarni, Richa Kumar, and Komal Kashiramka.   In 1st IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Communications Security(IEEE PerSec'04)
    [PDF] [5 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Exploiting Commutativity for Distributed Object Caching", by John Eberhard and Anand R. Tripathi.   Technical Report [PDF] [12 pages] 
  • "Static Verification of Security Requirements in Role Based CSCW Systems", by Tanvir Ahmed and Anand R. Tripathi.   In 8th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2003), 196--203, June, 2003. [PDF] [8 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Specification of Secure Distributed Collaboration Systems", by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, and Richa Kumar.   In Proceedings of International Symposium on Autonomous Distributed Systems (ISADS 2003), 149--156, April 2003. [PDF] [8 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Secure Multi-Agent Coordination in a Network Monitoring System",, by Anand R. Tripathi, Muralidhar Koka, Sandeep Karanth, Abhijit Pathak, and Tanvir Ahmed. Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems, 2002 (SELMAS 2002), 251- 266, Springer, LNCS 2603, 2003.
    [PDF] [16 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Active Monitoring of Network Systems using Mobile Agents", by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Sumedh Pathak, Abhijit Pathak, Megan Carney, Murlidhar Koka, and Paul Dokas.   In proceedings of Networks 2002, a joint conference of ICWLHN 2002 and ICN 2002, 269-280, 2002. [PDF] [12 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Design of a Policy-Driven Middleware for Secure Distributed Collaboration", by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Richa Kumar, Shremattie Jaman.  In proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS-2002), 393 - 400, 2002. [PDF] [8 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Paradigms for Mobile Agent-Based Active Monitoring", by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Sumedh Pathak, Megan Carney, Paul Dokas. IEEE Network Operation and Management Symposium (NOMS-2002), 65-78, 2002. [PDF] [12 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "A Coordination Model for Secure Collaboration",  by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Richa Kumar, Shremattie Jaman.  Workshop on Internet Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, Dec 2001, 77-95, CRC Press, 2003. [PDF] [20 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Effective Object Caching for Distributed Java RMI Applications", by John Eberhard,  Anand Tripathi. Middleware 2001. [PDF] [22 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Experiences  and  Future Challenges in Mobile  Agent Programming",  by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, and Neeran Karnik. Microprocessor and Microsystems 2001. [PDF]    [8 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Security in the Ajanta Mobile Agent System",  by Neeran Karnik, Anand Tripathi. Software - Practice and Experience, January 2001.  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Design of the Ajanta System for Mobile Agent Programming" , by Anand R. Tripathi, Neeran M. Karnik, Tanvir Ahmed, Ram D. Singh, Arvind Prakash, Vineet Kakani, Manish K. Vora, Mukta Pathak. Journal of Systems and Software, May 2002. [PDF] [23 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Distributed  Collaborations using Network Mobile Agents",  by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Vineet Kakani, Shremattie Jaman. 
    2nd International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applcations/4th International Symposium on Mobile Agents, September 2000.  [BibTex Entry]
  • "A Security Architecture for Mobile Agents in Ajanta", by Anand Tripathi, Neeran Karnik. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, April 200 [BibTex Entry]
  • "Delegation of  Privileges to Mobile Agents in Ajanta",  by Anand Tripathi, Neeran Karnik.  First International Conference on  Internet Computing, June  2000. [PDF] [7 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Mobile Agent Programming in Ajanta", by Anand Tripathi, Neeran Karnik, Manish Vora, Tanvir Ahmed, Ram Singh. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS '99)   ]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Protected Resource Access for Mobile Agent-based Distributed Computing", by Anand Tripathi, Neeran Karnik. In Proceedings of the ICPP workshop on Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, Minneapolis, August 1998. [BibTex Entry]
  • "Design Issues in Mobile Agent Programming Systems", by Neeran Karnik, Anand Tripathi. IEEE Concurrency, July-Sep 1998.   [BibTex Entry]
  • "Agent Server Architecture for the Ajanta Mobile-Agent System", by Neeran Karnik, Anand Tripathi. In Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98), Las Vegas, July 1998.   [BibTex Entry]

Technical Reports
  • Design of a Location-based Publish/Subscribe Service using a Graph-based Computing Model, (Anand Tripathi and Henry Hoang) Techincal Report TR-17-013, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]
  • Investigation of a Transactional Model for Incremental Parallel Computing in Dynamic Graphs, (Anand Tripathi, Rahul R. Sharma, Manu Khandelwa, Tanmay Mehta, Varun Pandey, Charandeep Parisineti), (presented at the International Workshop on Big Graph Processing BGP-2017, in conjunction with ICDCS-2017  Atlanta, GA). Techincal Report TR-17-005, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]
  • Scalable Transactions in Partially Replicated Data Systems with Causal Snapshot Isolation, (Anand Tripathi, Gowtham Rajappan, Vinit Padhye) Techincal Report TR-15-012, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]
  • Design and Evaluation of a Transaction Model with Multiple Consistency Levels for Replicated Data, (Anand Tripathi, BhagavathiDhass Thirunavukarasu), Techincal Report TR-15-009, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]
  • A Transaction Model for Management for Replicated Data with Multiple Consistency Levels, (Anand Tripathi), 2014. Techincal Report TR-14-021, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis [PDF] [Bibtex Entry]
  • Resource Availability Characteristics and Node Selection in Cooperatively Shared Computing Platforms, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, Technical Report, February 2012.  (PDF)
  • Autonomic Mechanisms for  Building Scalable Services over Wide-Area Shared Computing Platforms, Vinit Padhye  Masters Thesis May 2011  [PDF]
  • Autonomic Mechanisms for Service Scaling in Wide-Area Shared Computing Environments, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, Technical Report  [PDF] [BibTex Entry]
  • Characterization of Resource Availability on PlanetLab Nodes for Executing Migratable Tasks, Vinit Padhye and Anand Tripathi, Technical Report  [PDF] [BibTex Entry]
  • Node Selection for Placement of Migratory Tasks in Wide-Area Shared Computing Environments, Vinit Padhye and Devdatta Kulkarni and Anand Tripathi, Technical Report  [PDF] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Policy-Based Design of Secure Distributed Collaboration Systems" Ph.D. dissertation by Tanvir Ahmed [ PDF
  • "Towards a Minimal Count of Participants for Finite State Verification of a Role Based Model" by Tanvir Ahmed and Anand Tripathi
    [PDF] [14 pages] 
  • "Secure Management of Distributed Collaboration Systems", by Tanvir Ahmed, Richa Kumar, and Anand Tripathi.   Technical Report, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Minnesota, Aug 2002.
    [PDF] [8 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Design of a Dynamically Extensible System for Network Monitoring using Mobile Agents", by Anand R. Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Sumedh Pathak, Megan Carney. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 2001.
    [PDF ] [11 pages]  [BibTex Entry]
  • "Implementing Distributed Workflow Systems from XML Specifications,"   by Anand Tripathi, Tanvir Ahmed, Vineet Kakani,  Shremattie Jaman. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, May 2000.
    [ Postscript] [9 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Development of Mobile Agent Applications with Ajanta", by Anand Tripathi, Neeran M. Karnik, Ram D. Singh, Tanvir Ahmed, John Eberhard, Arvind Prakash. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota.
    [ Postscript] [10 pages] [BibTex Entry]
  • "Security in Mobile Agent Systems", Ph.D. dissertation by Neeran Karnik [ Postscript
  • "Mobile Agent Programming Techniques in Ajanta", Masters Plan B report by Manish Vora [Postscript
  • "Uniform Resource Name (URN) in Ajanta, A Mobile Object Environment", M.S. Plan B report by Tanvir Ahmed[Postscript
  • "Development of Distributed Systems Using Mobile Agents in Ajanta", M.S. Plan B report by Ram D. Singh[Postscript
  • "Development of a Mobile Agents Based Websearch in Ajanta", M.S. Plan B report by Arvind Prakash[Postscript
  • "Implementing Distributed Workflow Systems from XML Specifications", M.S. Plan B report by Vineet Kakani[Postscript
  • "Protocols for Secure Interactions in Distributed Collaboration systems", M.S. Plan B report by Richa Kumar[Postscript
  • "Security And Robustness in an Agent-based network monitoring system", M.S. Plan B report by Muralidhar Koka[Postscript
  • "File Integrity Checking using mobile-agents", M.S. Plan B report by Abhijit Pathak[Word Document
  • "Wireless Network Monitoring", M.S. Plan B report by Sandeep Karanth[Postscript
  • "Robustness by Self-Monitoring in Konark", M.S. Plan B report by Harsha Talkad[PDF]  [Postscript

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